I recently read an interview with Cho Minsuk of Mass Studies. (http://www.massstudies.com/texts/index.html)He says there is a growing section of society that is demanding an alternative dwelling from the Seoul stacked APT.
There are two types of people who would want this: first, are the ultra wealthy, who do not use their homes as a means of investment...Instead of buying an apartment in Seoul, building an architect designed house in a place like the Heyri Art Valley is probably the worst thing to do with money, in terms of investment. These clients voluntarily ignore that economic reality in favor[sic] of other values they have.
He goes on to talk about why the Seoul’s landscape is so homogenous, and why Koreans like kimchi and (apartments) so much:
Kimchi and apartments are similar in the way that they work as systems. There are supposedly 500 kinds of Kimchi, and still more are being invented. Its because kinchi is not a completed entity but it is a system, a kind of matrix. On a Korean table, ‘bapsang’ where we put every dish on the table at once, kimchi is never the monument or main fature. It is not special, but essential. No Korean sets their meal without Kimchi. Its an addiction. On one table often there are a few kinds of kimchi and other variations like kimchi soup, kimchi pot, kimchi pancake and so on....repetition through variation...Thats why it becomes the most memorable thing without being special, even though there is special feature like bulgoggi on the same table....’
But on an APT spread, you only ever get one kind of ‘kimchi’....what other kind of things could they potentially be pickled with?
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